Lyon's boats

Laissez-vous guider pour (re)découvrir Lyon !
Des circuits très complets, au départ du 2 quai des Célestins, qui vous permettront de voir sous un autre angle les monuments emblématiques de la ville. Chaque visite commentée est un captivant voyage dans l’Histoire de Lyon.
Let yourself be guided to (re)discover Lyon!
Very complete tours, starting from 2 quai des Célestins, which will allow you to see the city's emblematic monuments from a different angle. Each guided tour is a captivating journey through the history of Lyon. You will enjoy admiring the Renaissance district and Old Lyon, being surprised by the bold architecture of the Confluence or escaping to discover the Ile Barbe, a real oasis of greenery at the gates of the city. Accompanied by a guide, relive the exceptional destiny that Lyon has forged over the centuries. Take advantage of a reduced rate by booking online! Attention, the departure of the cruises is at 2, Quai des Célestins, 69002 !
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